021: National Nutrition Month: With Julie Canseco & Jessie Williams of Main Squeeze Juice Co.
Today we welcome Jessie Williams Julie Conseco from Main Squeeze Juice Co. to the Podcast.
We chatted on March 14th which is actually national registered dietician day. I also learned that March is national nutrition month, and in the spirit of that, this Podcast is filled with great nutritional gold nuggets.
Throughout the conversation we oscillate back and forth between general nutritional tips and learning about their business, which is now awarding franchise licenses across America.
In this Podcast, we chatted about a range of topics including:
-How to “Eat the right colors” and what that means
-What nutrients help with Skin elasticity, eye health and much more
-How the antioxidants in blueberries and blackberries can help improve metabolism and cognitive functions
-What NCT oil is and how it can help you
-What Allium and how it can help you (even help fight cancer)
-What “Cold Press” means
-How Convenience and Wellness is changing the game in food service
-And we learned more about Main Squeeze Juice Co and how they built a competitive advantage through 1) Technology 2) Product & menu 3) Branding
*Other show notes*
-Website: http://www.mainsqueezejuiceco.com/faq
-Cleanse Book: http://www.mainsqueezejuiceco.com/documents/j…amphlet.pdf