Tech Spotlight: How to keep quality franchise prospects flowing into your pipeline

Alex Oswiecinski is the Founder of Prospect Direct, a platform that uses a combination of data science, automation, and highly refined cold prospecting strategies to identify and deliver financially qualified prospects who are ready to look at your brand. Whether thats for a future date when the economy gets going again, or investing now, Prospect Direct is a very budget friendly way to keep your pipeline flowing.

In this episode we first talk about the State of the union and dig in to the hard data of what sectors are still seeing a lot of action. This is done from a very non biased prospective, as Alex cares about arming franchisors with factual information.

We also discuss:
– advice on what brands should do (at minimum) to keep their pipeline growing
– Prospect Direct, what is it & how does it work
– and much more!

Email me at if you would like to meet Alex or learn more.


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