Title Boxing Club With Susan, Josh, James & Anna – Podcast

On the very last stop of the tour, the team visits TITLE Boxing HQ to meet with three three of their dynamic leaders: President Susan Boresow, Josh Lyon, VP of Franchise Operations and James Lloyd, Franchise Development Manager. During this conversation we touched on many topics including: local store marketing, mobile app integration, their new on-demand class and much more.




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BUSCH GLOBAL: buschglobal.com/

Busch Global is more than a franchise development company. They help you reach your organizational goals through intelligent growth, which comes through understanding your franchise, your concept, your values and vision. The team then builds a plan that identifies the right franchisee targets, and the growth goals that you can successfully support. To learn more about Bush Global, visit http://www.BuschGobal.com.

RALLO: http://www.rallio.com

Rallio is a powerful combination of social media technology and local agency
The easy-to-use technology enables franchisors and their franchisees to manage their entire social media presence, online reputation, and online directory listings in one dashboard for all locations.
The mobile app provides a simple way for franchisees to engage
The advocacy system turns net promoters into REAL promoters and incentives employees to share content that portrays your brand as a "best place to work"
Voted as the #1 social media technology platform and #6 marketing partner overall in the entrepreneur magazine’s franchise supplier listing, Rallio will help you RALLY your employees and customers around your brand.

To learn more, visit Rallio.com

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