Art Of The Deal: The Inside Scoop On How An M&A Transaction Works
As the market in 2024 starts to heat up again, franchise brands are attracting private equity and strategic buyers to continue the industry path towards
professionalization. Due to high interest rates, inflation, Fed Policy and a looming recession; emerging franchisors are in the best position to secure growth
capital or to align with strategic operating partners in the franchise space vs. their more mature industry counterparts. Hear from some of the industry’s
most experienced and engaged participants about the state of the market and what buyers are looking for during this dynamic time.
Moderator: Alicia Miller (Founder & Managing Director, Emergent Growth Advisors)
Panelists: Patrick Galleher (Managing Partner, Boxwood Partners), Jack Nagle (Vice President, Princeton Equity Group),
Kelly Roddy (CEO, WOWorks), Todd Recknagel (Managing Partner, Three20 Capital Group