Ask Our Mentors: Heather McLeod – Chief Growth Officer – Authority Brands
What is One Thing You Would Tell any New Franchisor Starting Out Today?
“It’s important to focus on the successful launch and ramp up of your first few franchise locations. Because their success is what will drive the next handful forward.”
Do You Have any Current Book or Podcast Recommendations?
“I recently went back and re-read one of my favorite books on management style – ‘First, Break all the Rules,’ by Marcus Buckingham. It’s the book that became the foundation for StrengthsFinder, which I still use to this day with everyone on my team. The basic idea is that by focusing on areas where you’re already innately strong (versus trying to make a weakness a strength), you’ll be happier, more successful, and more fulfilled in your work.”
What’s New in Franchising (or Business) That We Should Keep Our Eye On?
“There are so many AI tools popping up all over the place that can make you more efficient and productive with your time. The real winners are going to be the people who find ways to leverage AI to create more capacity in their schedule to have more time for value-creating activities.”
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